

dask.dataframe.read_parquet(path, columns=None, filters=None, categories=None, index=None, storage_options=None, engine='auto', use_nullable_dtypes: bool | None = None, dtype_backend=None, calculate_divisions=None, ignore_metadata_file=False, metadata_task_size=None, split_row_groups='infer', blocksize='default', aggregate_files=None, parquet_file_extension=('.parq', '.parquet', '.pq'), filesystem=None, **kwargs)[source]

Read a Parquet file into a Dask DataFrame

This reads a directory of Parquet data into a Dask.dataframe, one file per partition. It selects the index among the sorted columns if any exist.

pathstr or list

Source directory for data, or path(s) to individual parquet files. Prefix with a protocol like s3:// to read from alternative filesystems. To read from multiple files you can pass a globstring or a list of paths, with the caveat that they must all have the same protocol.

columnsstr or list, default None

Field name(s) to read in as columns in the output. By default all non-index fields will be read (as determined by the pandas parquet metadata, if present). Provide a single field name instead of a list to read in the data as a Series.

filtersUnion[List[Tuple[str, str, Any]], List[List[Tuple[str, str, Any]]]], default None

List of filters to apply, like [[('col1', '==', 0), ...], ...]. Using this argument will result in row-wise filtering of the final partitions.

Predicates can be expressed in disjunctive normal form (DNF). This means that the inner-most tuple describes a single column predicate. These inner predicates are combined with an AND conjunction into a larger predicate. The outer-most list then combines all of the combined filters with an OR disjunction.

Predicates can also be expressed as a List[Tuple]. These are evaluated as an AND conjunction. To express OR in predicates, one must use the (preferred for “pyarrow”) List[List[Tuple]] notation.

indexstr, list or False, default None

Field name(s) to use as the output frame index. By default will be inferred from the pandas parquet file metadata, if present. Use False to read all fields as columns.

categorieslist or dict, default None

For any fields listed here, if the parquet encoding is Dictionary, the column will be created with dtype category. Use only if it is guaranteed that the column is encoded as dictionary in all row-groups. If a list, assumes up to 2**16-1 labels; if a dict, specify the number of labels expected; if None, will load categories automatically for data written by dask, not otherwise.

storage_optionsdict, default None

Key/value pairs to be passed on to the file-system backend, if any. Note that the default file-system backend can be configured with the filesystem argument, described below.

open_file_optionsdict, default None

Key/value arguments to be passed along to AbstractFileSystem.open when each parquet data file is open for reading. Experimental (optimized) “precaching” for remote file systems (e.g. S3, GCS) can be enabled by adding {"method": "parquet"} under the "precache_options" key. Also, a custom file-open function can be used (instead of AbstractFileSystem.open), by specifying the desired function under the "open_file_func" key.

engine{‘auto’, ‘pyarrow’}

Parquet library to use. Defaults to ‘auto’, which uses pyarrow if it is installed, and falls back to the deprecated fastparquet otherwise. Note that fastparquet does not support all functionality offered by pyarrow. This is also used by third-party packages (e.g. CuDF) to inject bespoke engines.

use_nullable_dtypes{False, True}

Whether to use extension dtypes for the resulting DataFrame.


This option is deprecated. Use “dtype_backend” instead.

dtype_backend{‘numpy_nullable’, ‘pyarrow’}, defaults to NumPy backed DataFrames

Which dtype_backend to use, e.g. whether a DataFrame should have NumPy arrays, nullable dtypes are used for all dtypes that have a nullable implementation when ‘numpy_nullable’ is set, pyarrow is used for all dtypes if ‘pyarrow’ is set. dtype_backend="pyarrow" requires pandas 1.5+.

calculate_divisionsbool, default False

Whether to use min/max statistics from the footer metadata (or global _metadata file) to calculate divisions for the output DataFrame collection. Divisions will not be calculated if statistics are missing. This option will be ignored if index is not specified and there is no physical index column specified in the custom “pandas” Parquet metadata. Note that calculate_divisions=True may be extremely slow when no global _metadata file is present, especially when reading from remote storage. Set this to True only when known divisions are needed for your workload (see Partitions).

ignore_metadata_filebool, default False

Whether to ignore the global _metadata file (when one is present). If True, or if the global _metadata file is missing, the parquet metadata may be gathered and processed in parallel. Parallel metadata processing is currently supported for ArrowDatasetEngine only.

metadata_task_sizeint, default configurable

If parquet metadata is processed in parallel (see ignore_metadata_file description above), this argument can be used to specify the number of dataset files to be processed by each task in the Dask graph. If this argument is set to 0, parallel metadata processing will be disabled. The default values for local and remote filesystems can be specified with the “metadata-task-size-local” and “metadata-task-size-remote” config fields, respectively (see “dataframe.parquet”).

split_row_groups‘infer’, ‘adaptive’, bool, or int, default ‘infer’

If True, then each output dataframe partition will correspond to a single parquet-file row-group. If False, each partition will correspond to a complete file. If a positive integer value is given, each dataframe partition will correspond to that number of parquet row-groups (or fewer). If ‘adaptive’, the metadata of each file will be used to ensure that every partition satisfies blocksize. If ‘infer’ (the default), the uncompressed storage-size metadata in the first file will be used to automatically set split_row_groups to either ‘adaptive’ or False.

blocksizeint or str, default ‘default’

The desired size of each output DataFrame partition in terms of total (uncompressed) parquet storage space. This argument is currently used to set the default value of split_row_groups (using row-group metadata from a single file), and will be ignored if split_row_groups is not set to ‘infer’ or ‘adaptive’. Default is 256 MiB.

aggregate_filesbool or str, default None

WARNING: Passing a string argument to aggregate_files will result in experimental behavior. This behavior may change in the future.

Whether distinct file paths may be aggregated into the same output partition. This parameter is only used when split_row_groups is set to ‘infer’, ‘adaptive’ or to an integer >1. A setting of True means that any two file paths may be aggregated into the same output partition, while False means that inter-file aggregation is prohibited.

For “hive-partitioned” datasets, a “partition”-column name can also be specified. In this case, we allow the aggregation of any two files sharing a file path up to, and including, the corresponding directory name. For example, if aggregate_files is set to "section" for the directory structure below, 03.parquet and 04.parquet may be aggregated together, but 01.parquet and 02.parquet cannot be. If, however, aggregate_files is set to "region", 01.parquet may be aggregated with 02.parquet, and 03.parquet may be aggregated with 04.parquet:

├── region=1/
│   ├── section=a/
│   │   └── 01.parquet
│   ├── section=b/
│   └── └── 02.parquet
└── region=2/
    ├── section=a/
    │   ├── 03.parquet
    └── └── 04.parquet

Note that the default behavior of aggregate_files is False.

parquet_file_extension: str, tuple[str], or None, default (“.parq”, “.parquet”, “.pq”)

A file extension or an iterable of extensions to use when discovering parquet files in a directory. Files that don’t match these extensions will be ignored. This argument only applies when paths corresponds to a directory and no _metadata file is present (or ignore_metadata_file=True). Passing in parquet_file_extension=None will treat all files in the directory as parquet files.

The purpose of this argument is to ensure that the engine will ignore unsupported metadata files (like Spark’s ‘_SUCCESS’ and ‘crc’ files). It may be necessary to change this argument if the data files in your parquet dataset do not end in “.parq”, “.parquet”, or “.pq”.

filesystem: “fsspec”, “arrow”, or fsspec.AbstractFileSystem backend to use.
dataset: dict, default None

Dictionary of options to use when creating a pyarrow.dataset.Dataset object. These options may include a “filesystem” key to configure the desired file-system backend. However, the top-level filesystem argument will always take precedence.

Note: The dataset options may include a “partitioning” key. However, since pyarrow.dataset.Partitioning objects cannot be serialized, the value can be a dict of key-word arguments for the pyarrow.dataset.partitioning API (e.g. dataset={"partitioning": {"flavor": "hive", "schema": ...}}). Note that partitioned columns will not be converted to categorical dtypes when a custom partitioning schema is specified in this way.

read: dict, default None

Dictionary of options to pass through to engine.read_partitions using the read key-word argument.

arrow_to_pandas: dict, default None

Dictionary of options to use when converting from pyarrow.Table to a pandas DataFrame object. Only used by the “arrow” engine.

**kwargs: dict (of dicts)

Options to pass through to engine.read_partitions as stand-alone key-word arguments. Note that these options will be ignored by the engines defined in dask.dataframe, but may be used by other custom implementations.


>>> df = dd.read_parquet('s3://bucket/my-parquet-data')