Command Line Interface ====================== Dask provides a ``dask`` executable for a command line interface. Dask's CLI is :ref:`designed to be extensible ` allowing other projects in the Dask ecosystem (such as ``distributed``) to add subcommands. Built-in commands ----------------- ``dask`` comes with the following commands. .. click:: dask.cli:info :prog: dask info :show-nested: .. click:: dask.cli:docs :prog: dask docs :show-nested: .. _extending-cli: Extending the Dask CLI ---------------------- .. note:: This section is intended for library authors who want to integrate their library with the ``dask`` CLI. Third party packages can extend the ``dask`` command line tool via entry points and Click_. Dask will discover :obj:`click.Command` and :obj:`click.Group` objects registered as entry points under the ``dask_cli`` namespace. Below you'll find two examples which augment the ``dask`` CLI by adding a ``dask_cli`` entry point to a project. Click provides great documentation for writing commands; more documentation on entry points can be found at: - `The python packaging documentation `_. - `The setuptools user guide `_. - `The poetry plugins documentation `_. Example: PEP-621 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since `PEP-621 `_, if starting a new project, the canonical way to add an entry point to your Python project is to use the ``[project.entry-points]`` table in the ``pyproject.toml`` file. This method should be picked up by any Python build system that is compatible with ``PEP-621``'s ``project`` configuration. Hatch_, Flit_, and setuptools_ (version 61.0.0 or later) are three example build systems which are PEP-621 compatible and use ``[project.entry-points]``. For example, if your project is called ``mypackage``, and it contains a ```` module under the ``mypackage`` namespace with the following contents: .. code-block:: # in the file mypackage/ import click @click.command(name="mycommand") @click.argument("name", type=str) @click.option("-c", "--count", default=1) def main(name, count): for _ in range(count): click.echo(f"hello {name} from mycommand!") You can create an entry point that will be discovered by Dask by adding to ``pyproject.toml``: .. code-block:: toml [project.entry-points."dask_cli"] mycommand = "mypackage.cli:main" After installing ``mypackage``, the ``mycommand`` subcommand should be available to the ``dask`` CLI: .. code-block:: shell $ dask mycommand world hello world from mycommand! $ dask mycommand user -c 3 hello user from mycommand! hello user from mycommand! hello user from mycommand! Example: setup.cfg and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: If you are starting a new project the recommendation from the Python Packaging Authority (PyPA_) is to use PEP-621, these setuptools instructions are provided for existing projects. If your project already uses ``setuptools`` with a ``setup.cfg`` file and/or a ```` file, we can create an entry point for the same ``mycommand.cli:main`` function introduced in the previous section. If using ``setup.cfg``, the entry point can be registered by adding the following block to the file: .. code-block:: ini [options.entry_points] dask_cli = mycommand = mypackage.cli:main Or the entry point can be registered directly in ```` with: .. code-block:: python from setuptools import setup setup( ... entry_points=""" [dask_cli] mycommand=mypackage.cli:main """, ) .. _Click: .. _Hatch: .. _setuptools: .. _PyPA: .. _Flit: